Friday, November 6, 2009

Measles Pictures More Condition_symptoms What Does The Beginning Of Measles Look Like?

What does the beginning of measles look like? - measles pictures more condition_symptoms

My son of 9 months had a high fever (102 to 104.5) for 2.5 days now, without further symptoms.

I took him to the emergency and could not find anything, with him on this strange fever.

He is now has spots like a bad rash, while (on the back and neck at first I thought it was) a fever, heat rash, but now it seems that his movement to go on his belly and in the genital organs and his kingdom to the outside .

I'm sure that's not chicken pox because it has no grain, as the wounds that I saw in the pictures.

How long does the measles, has spread to the rest of the body?




luvgiraf... said...

First, let the other answer that you feel bad, because there is no vaccine yet, because his son is too young to have his MMR yet received ... 12 to 15 months.

Rash is very difficult to diagnose telephone and computer, allowing your child to a doctor who must be tested again.

Roseola (often confused with measles): a child with a sudden high fever for 2 to 3 days (Hat) without other symptoms. If there is fever, rash, appear pink bumps on the torso, arms and neck only. The rash lasts only a few days.:

Rubella (measles): fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes for 2 to 3 days before the rash appears. The rash is an outbreak of red or reddish, the spreads on the forehead and starts until it covers the whole body. Moreover, in the mouth, it will be a few small red spots with blue-white centers.

Like most children are now vaccinated against measles has become rare. If there is a measles outbreak in your area is unlikely tIf your child has measles. It is more likely that your child has roseola, which is the children, has 6 months to 2 years for which there is no vaccine and will follow its course with ease at home untreated.

If you could expand more on the outbreak to be able to help more ... is very good, even with patches, it is high or not, it is smooth or rough, the seats are also looking?

Does your child have any symptoms at all? Try in your child's mouth ... You make bad breath, not a normal language. Are you drooling more than normal. For a sore throat (which is not easily able to see the tonsils and neck, but the foul-smelling breath and tongue may be a sort of raspberry, texture, and children tend to drool more than usual. If left untreated, sore throat, scarlet fever, an outbreak of the sandpaper will produce, because it starts at the neck and face, then spreads to the body. If you take may be thinking, sore throat, - your doctor for a throat culture.

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